Protecting a beauty spot from polluted mine water

Protecting a beauty spot from polluted mine water

Our client

Our client is a county council in the UK.

The location is a woodland park with a canal. An area of natural beauty, the site was once home to a colliery that opened in the mid-nineteenth century. Today it’s a popular spot for hikers, dog walkers, joggers, cyclists, and picnickers.

The reed bed is part of an unmaintained treatment scheme built in the nineties. Once cleaned, the abandoned mine water from the former colliery is used to fill the canal to maintain its level.

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Mine life. From making a mess to clearing it up

Andy Craggs, Dave Hepple, Sean Box, and Alastair Pentland have one special thing in common. They – or their family members – worked down the coal mines in the north of England.

Back in the day, coal mining may have had some negative effects on the environment. Yet many of the people who worked in the coal mining industry are now in jobs doing innovative things to negate those impacts.  

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