Case Studies

We’ve years of experience developing innovative techniques that ensure the longevity and performance of nature-based assets, including reed beds, while contributing positively to surrounding ecosystems. Our case studies demonstrate our expertise and ability to effectively address water and environmental challenges and provide sustainable solutions that exceed our client’s expectations.

Case Studies
Improving treatment processes through desludging settlement lagoons

Issue: Two settlement lagoons required desludging treatment.

The result: Both settlement lagoons now free from excess sludge and vegetation.

Refurbishing reed beds while maintaining compliance

Issue: Two reed beds. One is partially working, and the other is failing to work.

The result: Two fully refurbished reed beds.

Protecting a beauty spot from polluted mine water

Issue: An ineffective treatment works, including a reed bed blinded by ochre deposits and overgrown vegetation.

The result: A fully operational treatment works back online.

A reed bed refurbishment as part of a site upgrade

Issue: An ineffective reed bed failing to properly play its part in the sewage treatment process.

The result: A fully refurbished reed bed with an asset condition grade of ‘one’.