Like most organisations, emissions from our supply chain (i.e. our Scope 3 emissions) are more than 80%. We therefore recognise that our suppliers play a large role in our emission reduction plans, as well as in supporting us with the delivery of specialist services. We are actively engaging with our supply chain on sustainability and we have identified several high impact focus areas for carbon emissions which include:
- Chemicals
- Tankering
- Waste
- Construction (embodied carbon)
As well as achieving Net Zero and reducing Carbon emissions in our supply chain, of equal importance to us and our Customers, is Social Value. We see the main areas where Social Value is important in our supply chain as:
- Using local suppliers – to support the communities we work in
- Payment terms – ensuring our suppliers are paid on time
- Alignment with STS values, including diversity & inclusion and developing new talent (through apprentices, graduates and internships)
- Ensuring that there is a similar commitment to aspects such as Diversity and Inclusion
Across all STS business units we have a broad and diverse supply chain which provides a range of specialised services required to deliver water and environmental services efficiently across the UK. We recognise that our suppliers work for a variety of organisations and that they will receive an increasing number of requests for sustainability data from a variety of sources. For this reason, we have developed a sustainability guidance document for STS suppliers which aims to:
- Explain the reporting expectations that STS and our Customers might require;
- Summarise requirements for Net Zero commitments and reporting;
- Outline expectations for Social Value commitments and reporting
- Provide signposting to resources and best practise
As our approach to sustainability develops or our customer expectations change, our reporting requirements will develop and align. We have created our own templates for suppliers to complete however, to reduce the burden on our suppliers we will consider other suitable formats which suppliers are already reporting in.
Any questions on our sustainability approach in the supply chain or any queries on required reporting please email
Our procurement team can be contacted on
Please note that we are a separate business and legal entity to Severn Trent Water, if you are a supplier who also supplies Severn Trent Water, any data requested by Severn Trent Services is a separate request.
Supplier Sustainability
Supplier sustainability guidance document
Severn Trent PLC Policies
Sustainable procurement statement
Modern slavery statements
Supplier Questionnaire
Questionnaire for suppliers providing works and services on site
Questionnaire for suppliers providing goods, materials, support services and occasional site services.
Procurement team are at: