5 ways we take a sustainable approach to our reed bed work
We understand the crucial role a well-maintained reed bed can play in water treatment. We also acknowledge that reed beds are valuable ecosystems that provide a habitat for various plant
7 reasons why reed bed maintenance is essential
Reed beds are natural filtration systems crucial for conserving water quality. However, like any other wastewater asset, they must be regularly looked after to do their job correctly. Unfortunately, reed
The common challenges that arise from refurbishing reed beds
Despite playing a vital role in water treatment, reed beds are often built and forgotten assets. Consequently, if any issue arises because a reed bed has been neglected – such
Potential fines for polluters who’ve neglected their reed beds
In December 2023, the government announced it was lifting the cap on the £250,000 fine limit for environmental polluters and expanding the list of offences businesses can be fined for.
The multifaceted role of a reed bed and why maintenance is key
It’s important to remember that regular maintenance is crucial for any reed bed to work – whether it’s a natural or engineered reed bed. This is because reed beds play
Oren Environmental and the Big Garden Birdwatch
Between 27-29 January 2023, twitchers everywhere will participate in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch campaign. The initiative encourages people to spend one hour of their weekend logging the birds they
Protecting a beauty spot from polluted mine water
Protecting a beauty spot from polluted mine water Our client Our client is a county council in the UK. The location is a woodland park with a canal. An area
Reed bed refurbishment as part of a site upgrade
A reed bed refurbishment as part of a site upgrade Our client Our client is a UK government ministerial department. The location is a treatment works serving an operational site