What we do
Whether you require the upgrade of existing assets or new build assets we can help find the right solution to meet your bespoke requirements.
We can help you understand what water and sewerage provision is required to make your development go smoothly. We consider the most appropriate, cost-effective solution to give you the best value for money.
If you are considering any of the following, please get in touch with us, we’d love to help you with:
- Changes to existing infrastructure
- New water/sewerage connections
- New water or waste water assets
- Mains diversions
- Surface water drainage solutions
Severn Trent Services successfully manage investment in assets using our risk identification and prioritisation processes bolstered by strong governance, effective decision making and the delivery of best value solutions.
Commercial Water Services can support your water and waste water requirements on the MoD Estate and have a direct line in to the Estate Development Team, they will be able to assist with all of your water and waste water development needs and aim to remove some of the difficulties and challenges of handover of newly built assets or infrastructure, by liaising with the Estate Development team on your behalf.
Do you need to make changes to a water or sewer network?
If you need to apply for a connection or disconnection to a sewer or potable water supply then please make your application below.
Frequently Asked Questions
A comprehensive list of FAQ’s to view, as well as a handy downloadable PDF print off sheet.
For further information on this or any of the other products or services we offer please contact us via the details below