As its National Apprenticeship Week, we wanted to introduce you to a few of the apprentices working for Severn Trent. Come and meet our apprentices; Georgia, Tom, Liv, Reece and former apprentice Mike.
Georgia - Security and Resilience Apprentice
What was the reason you chose an apprenticeship over other options?
Originally I was looking at universities but I did not know what career path I wanted. I, therefore, began looking at apprenticeships as a way of avoiding the debt from university!!! It was an opportunity to acquire lots of life skills and work skills that would aid my future job prospects. As well as this I could earn whilst I learned, and it seemed a very sensible option when I did not particularly know which direction I was heading.
What is your role here at Severn Trent?
My role is a Security and Resilience Apprentice. This involves looking at Severn Trent’s business continuity arrangements, emergency plans and incident management structures/processes. I also have to focus on security, through securing sites via various assets.
Why did you choose Severn Trent to do your apprenticeship with?
Severn Trent had a user-friendly website with clear values. They share their culture openly and engage well with their communities. I particularly liked the environmental/community work they shared.
What have you enjoyed most about your apprenticeship so far?
Being able to network and meet lots of people. I was able to broaden my skills and gain lots of confidence through regular opportunities. People at Severn Trent are more than willing to answer your questions.
Tom - Supplier Contracts Apprentice
What was the reason you chose an apprenticeship over other options?
I chose an apprenticeship as I realised through school that lecturing and class work isn’t the best way for me to learn. Therefore, I did not want to go to university. I enjoy being hands on and learning with practical examples, which is exactly what an apprenticeship is, as it allows me to learn on the job, whilst also getting paid.
What is your role here at Severn Trent?
I am a Supplier Contracts Apprentice within Severn Trent Services. Every day is different, one day I may be processing payment applications so suppliers can be paid on time, the next, I may be reviewing and analysing tenders and bids or requesting and receiving quotes.
Why did you choose Severn Trent to do your apprenticeship with?
I chose to do my apprenticeship at Severn Trent because they work alongside some of the best education providers, Such as my training provider; CIPS (Chartered Institution of Procurement and Supply). Severn Trent also have their own apprenticeship team internally who also deliver training and various courses to help me learn and make improvements to myself and the way I work. Severn Trent also stood out to me due to the excellent pension and share save scheme they have.
What have you enjoyed most about your apprenticeship so far?
So far, I have really enjoyed every element of my apprenticeship. However, the point that stands out the most is analysing the Tender bids we have recently received. I have also enjoy being surrounded by a great team who will help and support me. Even if they are busy, they will take the time to answer my questions.
Liv - HR Consultant Apprentice
What was the reason you chose an apprenticeship over other options?
I chose an apprenticeship because it allows you to study for a degree and gain crucial work experience in a professional environment, whilst earning.
What is your role here at Severn Trent?
I am a HR Consultant Apprentice, currently on my first placement in the HR Business Partnering team, working with Water and Waste Network Operations and Network Control.
Why did you choose Severn Trent to do your apprenticeship with?
I chose Severn Trent as an employer, as they offer a structured and supportive framework for apprentices, great company benefits and values, and provides one of life’s needs.
What have you enjoyed most about your apprenticeship so far?
I have enjoyed networking across the business with Business Leads and Team Managers, taking part in people meetings, workforce planning, and guiding them through general queries and Straight to Offers. I have also had the opportunity to interview Interns with New Talent and spend a day with the Network Response Team to understand their role and what life in the field is really like. There are many development opportunities available to get involved in through masterclasses in the ST Academy, which has helped me to gain skills and experience to succeed in my role as a HR Consultant.
Reece - Marketing and Communications Apprentice
What was the reason you chose an apprenticeship over other options?
The reason I chose an apprenticeship rather than university is because of the benefits I could gain by doing an apprenticeship. For example earning while learning.
What is your role here at Severn Trent?
I am a Marketing and Communications Apprentice for Severn Trent Services, currently posting content online and growing our presence on LinkedIn. I also do the analytic reports for all the posts we put out on our channels.
Why did you choose Severn Trent to do your apprenticeship with?
I chose Severn Trent because of the fantastic opportunities you can get from working in a massive company like this. Also, they offer amazing benefits alongside gaining great experience within the job and business areas.
What have you enjoyed most about your apprenticeship so far?
I have enjoyed meeting new people and networking the most. At the start it was hard because of COVID but luckily now I am having more opportunities to get involved with different teams and to grow my network which will help me later on in my job.
Mike - Former apprentice, now Business Development Lead
We wanted to sign off on National Apprenticeship Week with a success story. Introducing former Apprentice Mike, who has achieved an accomplished career within Severn Trent over the years.
Tell us how you came to join the apprenticeship scheme with Severn Trent?
I actually saw the advert in the local paper, it was in the Thursday night job section and stated that Severn Trent were recruiting an instrumentation apprentice at Shelton, Shrewsbury. I went to the website and then applied. I can remember the assessments done on the interview day were still in the old exam paper format and not online and it was all done like an exam. I must have done ok because I got offered the role back in July 2006!
How do you think your experience as an apprentice helped shape your career to date?
For me I think it’s been about learning from the bottom up. Having learnt skills on the operational front line both from a practical point of view but also, problem solving, thinking about solutions in different ways and teamwork. I have used these skills through all of the roles that I have done since. The apprenticeship programme also gave me chance to see the wider ST group. I was able to spend time in other areas and gain insights into how the business works. I also got to spend a day with the MD at the time!
The skills I learnt during my apprenticeship, I still use today, from my technical understanding or process control through to being a skill electrician so I get to do all of the jobs around the house……
What would your advice be to Severn Trent mangers considering taking on an apprentice?
If you have the opportunity take it, it’s a great opportunity for you to help shape future generations in our business. Also think about what the outcomes will be for your apprentice, what they are going to learn? What will they bring to you and your team. You can also share you experience with them, My first manager and mentor encouraged me to ask questions, to think outside the box and to challenge the way we do things – Just because something is being done one way now doesn’t mean it’s the right way!